Here is where you can apply for one of our postgraduate qualifications. If you're here to apply, then most of what you need to know can be found right on this page. Any course-specific queries can likely be answered by looking at the dedicated course page, but if you still have questions you can contact us directly at

We are more than happy to jump on a one-to-one call with you to answer any questions you have about our courses and how studying online works, so just let us know if you need help with anything.

Please note: We are currently reworking the application process to make it more intuitive. In the meantime, you may encounter some inconsistencies between the information on this page and the application form. If you have any questions, please contact us on and we will help.

have a question? contact us

Need some advice? Or just want to talk music? We’re always here to lend a professional ear.

+44 1243 256049
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Application Process

All students will be subject to the Arts University Bournemouth’s academic regulations, discipline, complaints and appeals policy which can be found here.

ThinkSpace Education’s terms and conditions and relevant policies can be found here. We are committed to a fair and open admissions policy that encourages applicants from the widest range of backgrounds.
Step 1: Initial Contact:

Many of you may have come along to an Open Day or taken part in Postgraduate Taster Week. Our Open Days and Taster Weeks are held a few times a year and are a great opportunity for you to learn more about the courses in a hands-on way.

If you haven’t attended one of these events, or spoken to us directly about applying for one of our courses, then we highly recommend you reach out to us first. This gives you the chance to get some input on which course is best suited for you, and if you’re working at the right level to join one of our degrees - so drop us a message!

Step 2: Preparing your application

During the application process we will first ask you to provide only the completed Application Form, Portfolio, and Cover Letter. The other documents and files listed below are required, however we can review your application and offer a conditional place based on those 3 items only.

Each course has slightly different requirements, but the items that are shared across all courses are...

Step 3: Submitting your application

When you are ready to formally start your application, click the 'Start Now' button below. Once you have reached the end of the application form, you are prompted to finish your application by uploading your files. Please read the submission requirements here, and in the application form, carefully and make sure you have submitted everything required at this stage.

If you submit and realise you missed something, you can contact us at - we can manually amend your application from there.

Step 4: Waiting for a response

We aim to get back to all applicants within 1 month. If you apply closer to the application deadline we are usually quicker to respond as we have all hands on deck but do not let that discourage you from applying early. We are happy to receive applications any time of the year.

If you do not hear back from us within 1 month, or if it's approaching an application deadline and you're concerned, contact us at We are a relatively small team and we may simply be a bit behind schedule, but it's always worth dropping us an email to make sure we received your application.

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Portfolio Requirements

Our courses require you to submit a creative portfolio. This will be a bit different for each course to showcase the different skills required for each program. Please read the specifics below. It's intentionally guided, but still somewhat vague.

If you're unsure if your music is suitable, just reach out and we can take a listen!

Application Task

The application task is a crucial part of the process for us, as it allows us to see how do completing a short brief that may be a bit out of your comfort zone. These tasks are not meant to be incredibly difficult, and will leave you plenty of room to show off your skills.

Read below for the briefs for each course, and submit the required tasks alongside your application.

Additional Information

Applying for a postgraduate degree can raise a lot of questions, so in this section we're putting all the miscellaneous information such as a deeper understanding of what we're looking for from applicants, information on applying without an undergraduate degree, technical requires for different courses and more.

Read the information that applies to you below but if you have any additional questions just reach out.

Frequently Asked Questions

For more information please visit the Student Finance and Study With ThinkSpace and Course Overview pages.

have a question? contact us

Need some advice? Or just want to talk music? We’re always here to lend a professional ear.

+44 1243 256049
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