
How To Maximise Computer Performance

The Free Guide by Guy Michelmore

Working with sample libraries can be incredibly taxing on your computer. An easy way around this is to simply get a computer with loads and loads of RAM and CPU power...

or, you could learn how to set up your DAW and projects in a way that is less taxing on your machine, so you can get the most out of what you have.

In this guide we will cover a few tips such as:
  • Monitoring Your PC: How to check how your computer is responding to it's current demands.
  • Monitoring Your DAW: How much of your resources is being consumed by just your DAW.
  • Disabling and Freezing Tracks: The difference between the two, and how beneficial it is to DAW performance.
  • Bouncing Tracks: Why bouncing your tracks is a crucial part of your project's journey.
  • Extra Tips! A few other short tips for specific situations.
A must-have guide or any of you who are struggling with slow DAW performance and timeout errors!
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